Scholars in the humanities work with many different kinds of materials and sources. We risk being overwhelmed with the available amount of information, and our organizational computer skills rarely go beyond organizing files in a hierarchy of folders and sub-folders. Working within large amounts of data (in digital form) requires a more systematic management and way of approach: that of a database.
The workshop “Thinking like a database” offers insights into the opportunities and challenges of digitally gathering and storing of information, and on modelling and structuring our materials and at a conceptual level. Using an online multimedia database (LAB 1100’s nodegoat technology), we discuss and try out the complexities of organizing and manging your materials in structured datasets. This also allows you to create relational modes of analysis, mapping the geographic, social and temporal connections between your materials and data.
The workshop will be jointly organised by LAB 1100 and Prof Joep Leerssen and Dr Christian from the Amsterdam School  for Regional, Transnational and European Studies.
Date: Thursday 4 July (morning and afternoon sessions) and Friday 5 July
Venue: University of Amsterdam, Bushuis, Kloverniersburgwal 48, 1012 CX Amsterdam
For further information and registration please contact
Director of the Amsterdam School for Regional, Transnational and European Studies
+31 20 525 4677