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Date(s) - 23/05/2017
4:00 pm - 6:00 pm

eLab, Mediastudies (BG1)


The Digital History Workshop is a monthly gathering during which researchers in the humanities can become familiar with digital methods and tools. No prior knowledge or skills are expected. Everyone is welcome!

In the upcoming workshop (23 May, 4-6 pm (!), Turfdraagsterpad 9,  BG 1, 0.16) we discuss SPARQL.

SPARQL is the standardized language for querying Linked Data, a format used by many musea and heritage institutions to digitise and publish their collections. The workshop will be guided by Victor de Boer, who will share with us his extensive expertise about Linked Data and its use in the Humanities. He will also present a hands-on session which showcases the use of SPARQL on Dutch Maritime Historical linked datasets.

Please register by sending an email to k.beelen@uva.nl.

Dr. V. de Boer is currently Assistant Professor at the Vrije Universiteit (Computer Science Department). His research focusses on Linked Data and the Semantic Web, specifically in the domain of Digital Humanities and Cultural Heritage.

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