This workshop (May 11-12) will offer an introduction to The Media Ecology Project (MEP), an online resource that realizes new research synergies as it provides more and better scholarly access to historical media. MEP engages dynamic new forms of scholarly production and online publishing (traditional and computationally enhanced scholarship), but also initiates new capacities for support and advocacy by the scholarly community on behalf of the essential work performed by media archives.
The workshop will be organized into two sections: 1) a brief overview of the pilot studies already engaged for MEP, and 2) a hands-on tutorial that will offer a practical introduction to the online platforms and interfaces of MEP, especially the Mediathread workspace that affords the production of time-based annotations and granular analyses of archival texts. For this hands-on session, we will work with a selection of digitized propaganda films of the US information agency and a selection of the WWI films in the US National Archive’s collection and possibly the European Film Gateway WWI portal. Faculty and students attending the workshop should be advised to bring laptops (rather than mobile devices) to the session for this tutorial.
More information and the detailed program you can find here