Date(s) - 19/04/2016
3:00 pm - 5:00 pm
eLab Mediastudies, 0.16
Geocoding Historical Data:
1. Menno Den Engelse (Islands of Meaning), “Disambiguate your Toponyms”
Using unique identifiers – URIs, most likely – for toponyms will help you link your data to other datasets, make maps and query your data in more useful ways. The Historical Geocoder can help you obtain these identifiers, even if your data contains historic place name variants or names of places, streets or buildings that have disappeared altogether. You can find the Historical Geocoder on
2. Harm Nijboer (UvA), “A point is not enough. Reverse geocoding of ECARTICO”
In this presentation I will talk about how I have used reverse geocoding to identify concept URIs for a list of over 1500 georeferenced historical places. I will discuss the advantage of concept URIs over points in identifying places across data sets and next I will examine some of the practical and conceptual problems that will arise when we want to do this with historical places.