ONSTAGE: Online Datasystem of Theatre in Amsterdam in the Golden Age, 1637-1925
This is your address for questions about the repertoire, performances, popularity and revenues of the cultural program in Amsterdam’s public theatre during the period 1637 – 1925. All data provided in this system links to archival source materials in contemporary administration.

CANAAN: Data linkage (Harm Nijboer & Menno den Engelse)
The aim of the project is to mashup data from two (and eventually more) distributed cultural heritage resources in a single research tool. The resources in question are the digital collection catalog of the Amsterdam Museum (AM) [1] and the ECARTICO database [2] of the University of Amsterdam (UvA).

ECARTICO: Linking cultural industries in the early modern Low Countries, ca. 1475 – ca. 1725
This is a comprehensive collection of structured biographical data concerning painters, engravers, printers, book sellers, gold- and silversmiths and others involved in the ‘cultural industries’ of the Low Countries in the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries.
FELIX: Felix Meritis Programming Database (Mascha van Nieuwkerk & Harm Nijboer) forthcoming UvA server
Early modern Dutch-Italian epistolary networks [stored in NODEGOAT] (Ingeborg van Vugt)
Using nodegoat, you can create and manage any number of datasets by use of a graphic user interface. Your custom data model autoconfigures the backbone of nodegoat’s core functionalities. Within nodegoat you are able to instantly analyse and visualise datasets. nodegoat allows you to enrich data with relational, geographical and temporal attributes. Therefore, the modes of analysis are inherently diachronic and ready-to-use for interactive maps and extensive trailblazing.
Joanna Rozendaal: Collectie sierinitialen van verschillende zeventiende-eeuwse drukkers in dataset
Joanna Rozendaal: Toekenning ‘geolocaties’ aan historische straatnamen, gebouwen en andere op twee kaarten (1724 en 1842)