On 1 July the Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research (NWO) has awarded 12 million euros to CLARIAH, a consortium of Humanities research institutes. CLARIAH intends to develop a digital infrastructure that combines diverse data sets and software tools from various humanities’ disciplines. Three disciplines formREAD MORE

Over the last two decades, text-mining became part and parcel of many academic disciplines, but largely failed to have a fundamental scholarly impact on History. Admittedly, Digital History (and its methods) is gaining traction, but the historical mainstream remains overall unimpressed by the enthusiasm ofREAD MORE

“High time for time travel!” Between all the data on historical Amsterdam that is digitally available and the expertise of researchers, computer and information scientists, and heritage professionals, it must be possible to develop a time machine with which we can walk the streets ofREAD MORE

Studying Performing Arts Across Borders: Towards a European Performing Arts Dataverse (EPAD). A network of scholars investigating the history of European performing arts (theatre, music, cinema) using digital methods and datasets. The aim of international cooperation is driven by two interconnected aims: a technical-infrastructural purpose, facilitatingREAD MORE