The CREATE Portfolio below highlights some of the various projects that CREATE has collaborated with in the past.
Additionally, here you can find another selection of some articles & chapters or presentation outputs generated by our research group over the years. If you would like to browse more in-depth upon datasets and tools that came out of these projects, this information can be found in the Portfolio drop down menu options.

Built a data entry, annotation and analysis environment
Assisting the modelling and mapping of geospatial data. Built a tool and faceted search environment for data analysis.

Linking cultural industries in the early modern Low Countries, ca. 1475 – ca. 1725

Online Datasystem of Theatre in Amsterdam in the Golden Age, 1637-1925

Felix Meritis Programming Database (Mascha van Nieuwkerk & Harm Nijboer) forthcoming UvA server
Past Research
A Digital Toolkit to Detect Cinema Audiences of the Silent Era (Julia Noordegraaf, Vincent Baptist, Thunnis van Oort)
Data Visualisation in the Archive (Dr. Michael Karabinos, Mrinalini Luthra MA)
Digital Methods Survey (Dr. Giovanni Colavizza, Mrinalini Luthra MA)
Unsilencing the VOC Testaments (Prof. Charles Jeurgens, Mrinalini Luthra MA, Thijs Vorstenburg MA, Saskia Virginia Noot MA, Clare Schut MA)
Cinema Parisien 3D: 3D Visualisation as a Tool for the History of Cinemagoing (Prof. dr. Julia Noordegraaf, Drs. Loes Opgenhaffen & Norbert Bakker)
Data-driven Film History: A Demonstrator of EYE’s Jean Desmet Collection (Prof. dr. Giovanna Fossati, Dr. Jasmijn van Gorp, Dr. Christian Olesen)
Virtual Interiors as Interfaces for Big Historical Data Research. Spatially enhanced publications of the creative industries of the Dutch Golden Age (Huygens ING; UvA; Beeld & Geluid; Brill, PI Charles van den Heuvel, co-applicants Julia Noordegraaf and Gabri van Tussenbroek)
Access to City Councils using Exploratory Search Systems (ACCESS) (UvA, Open State Foundation, Stamkracht BV, en Notubiz BV, PI’s Jaap Kamps en Maarten Marx)
Amsterdam Time Machine: HisGIS meets CLARIAH (Fryske Akademy, Huygens ING, Meertens Instituut, UvA. Applicants: Marieke van Erp; Gertjan Filarski; Hans Mol, Julia Noordegraaf; Claartje Rasterhoff, Nicoline van der Sijs, Henk Wals; Ivo Zandhuis; Richard Zijdeman)
Freedom of the Streets, Gender and Urban Space in Eurasia 1600-1850. (Danielle van den Heuvel)
CANAAN: CreAtive Nodes in Amsterdam’s Artefact-actor Networks (CREATE with Amsterdam Museum)
CINEMAPS: A data-driven investigation of cinema markets in The Netherlands and Flanders (1950-1975) (Prof. dr. Julia Noordegraaf (UvA); Prof.dr. Jaap Boter (VU & UvA); Prof.dr. Daniël Biltereyst; Centre for Cinema & Media Studies, Ghent University; Prof.dr. Philippe Meers, Antwerp University, Jolanda Visser MA)
Digital Film Listings (DIGIFIL): Mining the Dutch Movie Landscape in Historical Newspapers (Kaspar Beelen, Kathleen Lotze, Ivan Kisjes & Thunnis van Oort)
VONDEL: Virtueel ONDErzoeksLaboratorium voor de Gouden Eeuw
ECARTICO. Linking cultural industries in the early modern Low Countries, ca. 1475 – ca. 1725
Metabotnik: A website that helps you to make giant zoomable images, directly from your browser by uploading your images to Dropbox (Dr. Paul Dijstelberge)
Geocontexting the Printed World, 1450-1900 (Dr. Paul Dijstelberge)
Nederlab Pilot (Prof. Dr. Lia van Gemert and Lucas van der Deijl MA)
Nederlab Research Project (Ivan Kisjes and Tessa Wijckmans)
Dutch Opera Context: Operatic Productions in the Netherlands Database (Dr. Rutger Helmers, Mascha van Nieuwkerk MA, & Liselotte Salters BA)
COLEM: Creating an Orthographic Layer for Early Modern Texts (Prof. dr. Lia van Gemert, Prof. dr. Rens Bod, Tessa Wijckmans MA, Wouter van Elburg)
Design Derby Data: Belgium and the Netherlands, 1815-2015 (Dr. Claartje Rasterhoff, Dr. Mienke Simon Thomas, Anna Foulidis, Thijs de Raedt)
MEPAD: Mapping European Performing Arts Data (Dr. Claartje Rasterhoff, Prof.dr. Julia Noordegraaf, Vincent Baptist)
SMTP: Stedelijk Museum Textmining Project (Jeroen Smeets (Maastricht University), Jan Scholtes (Maastricht University), Margiet Schavemaker and Michiel Nijhoff (Stedelijk Museum Amsterdam), and Claartje Rasterhoff (CREATE)
The STCN and Early Modern Knowledge Markets (Dr. Claartje Rasterhoff, Ivan Kisjes, dr. Kaspar Beelen & Leon van Wissen)