Join us for the CREATE Salon on 8 June 2023, 15:00-17:00h at the Bushuis, Kloveniersburgwal 48 Amsterdam. This session will delve into the Sinergia Narratives-project and its relationship to museum exhibition design strategies for AV collections. We’re excited to feature presentations from Yuchen Yang, PhDREAD MORE

By Thunnis van Oort   The last Salon of the season was dedicated to Digital Art History. Not the history of digital art, but on various uses of digital methods and data for studying art history. One overarching element in this broad topic was thatREAD MORE

Funding awarded for large-scale European research initiative The European Commission has chosen Time Machine as one of six proposals to develop a large-scale research initiative. The European Time Machine project will receive 1 million euros in funding to prepare a detailed roadmap of the initiative.READ MORE

This CREATE salon follows up on its previous edition in February on citizen science, but focuses on a different aspect of public engagement with digital history: the reuse of historical datasets. Ideally, research data are neatly deposited for reuse before a project ends. And increasingly,READ MORE

This month’s Salon will focus on the involvement of citizens in the transcription and interpretation of historical sources for purposes of access and research. Confirmed speakers (Angélique Janssens, Radboud University, Bert Spaan, and Kees Mandemakers IISG) will present examples of recent projects that involveREAD MORE

Please be invited to the kick-off meeting organized by the Virtual Interiors as Interfaces for Big Historical Data Research project. Join if you are interested to learn more about this NWO Smart Culture – Big Data / Digital Humanities funded project on spatially enhanced publications of the creativeREAD MORE

The upcoming CREATE Salon takes place on Thursday 13 December between 3:00-5:00pm, eLab Mediastudies (BG1 room 0,16) Turfdraagsterpad 9, 1012 XT Amsterdam. This month’s topic is text mining, with presentations by Lucas van der Deijl and Kaspar von Beelen. Lucas van der Deijl (UvA): Automatic textREAD MORE

The Dutch Organisation for Scientific Research (NWO) has granted a PhD-scholarship to our Pre-PhD Fellow Lucas van der Deijl. The project is one of the 20 selected PhD-studies that will be financed from NWO’s fund ‘PhD’s in the Humanities 2017’. Lucas will start his researchREAD MORE