We are most pleased to welcome you to an upcoming Data Sprint on Linked Open Data which we are organising with the University Library.
A large part of the collection databases of the UvA/AUAS Library have been made available as Linked Open Data (LOD). The Library’s data collections are now easier to investigate and can also be linked to other datasets. What new possibilities does this open up for research? And how can the data offered be improved and enriched?
During the datasprint, researchers, information specialists and heritage/library professionals will be able to get acquainted with the possibilities of using the UvA/AUAS Library’s data collections and Linked Open Data. Various thematic workshops ranging from card production in the seventeenth century to connecting and geo-referencing heritage have been prepared. Moreover, there is room for participants’ own input and you’re moreover invited to bring your own data!
For more information on the workshops please check the event page (in Dutch) and the workshop website.
Date: Thursday, 9th of June, 2022
Time: 13:00 – 17:00 CET
Location: REC B3.09, Nieuwe Achtergracht 166, 1018 WV Amsterdam
Please sign up by filling thisĀ form
Language: Dutch
The datasprint will be followed by drinks at Kriterion.
We look forward to seeing you!